assignment Process Documentation
done Picking a Topic
I wanted to pick a scientific visualisation, creating something that was informative. Bringing hidden knowledge to mainstream audiences and presenting it in a away that is engaging and changes their view-point towards the topic. Situation and Problem. Purpose and Value. Audience. Usage Context. Medium of Output.
psychology Gathering Domain Knowledge
I started reading more on animal footprints and mapping the various avenues in which I could use for comparison and study. I analysed the data requirements - descriptive and exploratory.
splitscreen Structuring the Narrative
I wanted to make an informative storytelling piece. Based on the main storyline and what I learnt from the data, each interactive piece was structure in a way to add to the previous knowledge of the reader. I was asking questions and validated hypothesis to figure out the relationships and patterns in the data and gather insights. Worked on deciding layouts, visual representation of the story, messaging and emphasis following “overview first and details on demand”
timeline Data Collection
I collected data for about 45 animals listing and classifying various attributes and features.
code Making
I wanted to make an informative storytelling piece and worked on the story structure. Worked on deciding layouts, visual representation of the story, messaging and emphasis, overview and details on demand. Data Story. Asking few simple questions.